Friday, September 27, 2013

Warm Kitty, Soft Kitty, Little Ball of Fur...

Our Princess is no longer a Fatty Puss. She is skinny and frail. Once again she lives up to her name, which means 'small and dark'.
She came home from the vets today, to share a few last precious days with us before we take her back to be euthanased.
She used to be a big kitty, 6+kg, but over the last 4-6 weeks she has lost over half her body weight. She has a cough that makes her sound like Donald Duck. Her breathing is laboured and wet sounding. She is in kidney failure, has blood in her urine, and the muscles around her head have atrophied. The vet thinks that she has some kind of cranial tumour. At the moment she's not in pain but it won't be long before she is.
So we will give her extra cuddles and make sure she knows that she is very much loved. We will indulge her and give her the treats that she loves - Macca's soft serve and fries, pancakes, spaghetti, yoghurt, milo and all the other things that she's always tried to sneak a lick of.
And we will start to say goodbye and grieve for this beautiful kitty who has been a part of our family for the last 10.5 years.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Grandad is in rehabilitation after a recent stroke and is suffering from memory loss, amongst other things, so Shmoo and Loo have been writing to him to help try and cheer him up and jog his memory.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Apple Day


A big box of apples from a local fruit & veg shop...

Shmoo and Loo on peeling duty...

Beanie on de-stickering and fruit washing duty (and peel-eating duty)...

Mama doing the cutting...

A huge stock pot piled high with as many apple slices as we could possibly cram in...

Resulting in heaps of apple sauce to be enjoyed as is, with yoghurt and, the big boys' fave, on top of ice cream.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


7 months on the dot and Baby Bear woke up this morning with his very first tooth coming through! :) (For the last 3 months he's been occasionally grazing me when gnawing hard on my finger but the elusive tooth had stubbornly remained out of sight until now).

He also finally started rolling from front to back at 6.5 months and just before 7 months started rolling from back to front as well. Yay, he's catching up on all those milestones!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shmoo's MasterChef Bread, Butter and Jam






MasterChef's No Prove Bread with Butter and Raspberry Jam recipe.

So easy and delish. I thought that the butter, in particular, turned out beautifully - so creamy and with a great flavour. It did take a looooong time to change from cream into butter though (I can't believe they did it by hand on the show!) and we did end up squeezing the final result between paper towels to remove the excess water. Overall, a great recipe for an 8 year old to have a go at, with just a little assistance.

Tasmanian Martial Arts Council Seminar