While we were in Cairns we visited some awesome shops and I found some great books for the boys. I highly recommend these books...
'Do Dogs Dream?' and 'Why is the Sky Blue?' by Geraldine Taylor (lift-the-flap and pull-the-tab books that explore the natural world)
'Earth Child 2000: Earth Science for Young Children. Games, Stories, Activities, and Experiments' by Kathryn Sheehan and Mary Waidner. (This book almost has a Steiner and natural learning feel to it).
'All I See is Part of Me' by Chara M. Curtis. "In a journey that carries the reader far beyond the printed page, a child discovers his common link with all of Life. Inspired by Sister Star, he finds the light within his heart and as his vision expands, he sees that same light in all other things."
'You, Me & the Rainbow' by Petrea King. "Have you ever been wrapped in a rainbow? Mariah has. Every night her mother wraps her in all the colours of the rainbow and they enter an enchanting world of ducklings, dolphins, tiny frogs, tasty cherries, sunsets, twinkling stars and violets. Float away with Mariah into the magic of You, Me & the Rainbow."