[Shmoo Bear]
Shmoo Bear |
Our eldest. Sensitive; cautious; introverted; a perfectionist; a lover of nature and the outdoors; and on the autism spectrum (PDD-NOS), just like his Dad (AS). Shmoo loves to sing and we are often woken in the wee hours of the morning with a cheery song. He has a passion for drawing and a keen eye for detail. He is obsessed with drawing buildings, anything that has wheels, and vacuums. For the first 4-5 years of his life he was terrified of vacuums (and hand dryers and any other noisy object) and it was not unusual for him to have a meltdown when it came to us vacuuming around the house or walking by a vacuum display at the shops. Now he is still quite skittish when it comes to the noise they make but his fear has turned into an intense passion (Dysons are his favourite). Shmoo is very curious about the mechanics of machinery and is always trying to figure out how things work and what the individual components do.