Have our friends staying with us again :)
So far, so good as far as homeschooling goes. Still trying to figure out a record system that works for us but I'm getting there!
At the moment we're taking an eclectic approach leaning towards natural learning so the best part of the day is spent doing what we did before we were 'officially' homeschooling. We've added in Steiner-inspired morning and evening circles, a daily poetry reading and discussion, plus a couple of other little things but there is still...
Lots of 'playing' and making the most of our Montessori-inspired activity trays (^ maths, patterns, colours, counting, fine motor skills... see, I'm getting the hang of this record keeping business!).
Reading - still a daily activity.
Nature watching - this little fellow sat on the fence outside our kitchen window, and to Shmoo's delight, occasionally perched on the window itself and tap-tap-tapped on the glass.
Drawing - still doing heaps of that. His drawing has come such a long way in the past year!
We've now thrown in a little bookwork for Literacy & Numeracy. (^^ Gotta love those SmartPal sleeves - will be able to reuse the workbooks! We use them with whiteboard crayons.)
Doing a few more 'experiments'...
And 'projects'.
Shmoo does quite well despite having a little brother who bounces around like Hammy from 'Over the Hedge'... And aforementioned little brother likes to wear silly things on his head like puppets and undies... And a baby brother who is getting old enough, tall enough and curious enough to, at times, be quite annoying to his biggest brother.