We had our first homeschool monitoring visit today and... it went really well! We had a lovely THEAC rep who homeschooled 5 children herself and is very supportive of natural learning. We had a chat about what we have been doing and I showed her Shmoo's work samples (random writing and art samples plus lapbook projects); his weather recording folder and graphs; our homeschooling photo album; unit study checklists; and our term 1 progress report.
She loved all of what we showed her and said that she knew that the council would be 'very impressed' with what we've done. So, yay! Such a relief! I was pretty sure we'd be okay but it's just nice to know that we're doing alright because sometimes I feel like I'm just not doing enough, you know? Especially since we've dropped a lot of the workbooks as it just wasn't working for Shmoo.
We're officially approved homeschoolers!
[Although, I had one of those frazzled moments at first as the Bean was screaming the whole time because he's at that separation anxiety stage and objects to strangers in his home and then Shmoo refused to say hello and hid behind the curtain in his bedroom for the first 10 minutes. Gotta love 'em LOL.]