Last year we bought the boys an awesome book about the human body -
See Inside: Human Body. Big book, clear pictures, and it even has acetate overlays so you can see the different layers of the body.Shmoo and Loo love the book and periodically get it down to pore over, completely fascinated by all the bits that make up our bodies.
Yesterday morning they were excitedly showing me me various pages, reading aloud and asking me questions. We talked about muscles, veins, lungs, kidneys, reproduction, the brain, bones and the heart. When they got to the heart, I asked Shmoo if he remembered what the heart did. Even though he knows that I know he knows the correct answer, he did his usual "I don't know, I can't remember!" 8-| So I asked Loo. He pondered the question thoughtfully for a minute and said "It pumps, like this..." and thumped his hand against his chest. Just as I was starting to think "Yay, he remembers!", Loo continued talking, saying "...when you love somebody". Awwwww. Cute. Not quite the answer I was hoping for, but cute all the same. =))
Then for dinner we had a roast leg of lamb. It led to continued discussion about veins as well as bones. They were intrigued by the ball and socket joint of the lamb bone and spent a good deal of time fitting them together and examining the range of movement. Shmoo asked some more in-depth questions and was quite curious about cartilage and bone marrow.