Shmoo's Lego science lab, complete with a microscope that can be raised to place a petri dish underneath. |
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Lego Lab
Arts and Crafts
Shmoo Bear
Monday, June 16, 2014
Stanley Seaquarium, Tasmania
A recent trip to the Seaquarium at Stanley with the homeschool group...

The rock pool... And shark egg cases.
The rock pool... And shark egg cases.
Hermit crab... Female cowfish... Seapen.
Spider crabs... And a cute but rather melancholy looking cuttlefish (Beanie thought he looked sad because he was lonely and wanted a friend).
Harpoon with sperm whale jaw bone that washed up on the west coast of Tassie in 1967.
Beanie Bear
Homeschool Group
Loo Bear
Shmoo Bear
Monday, June 9, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Speech Assessment and Paediatrician
This week Beanie has had an assessment with the speech pathologist and an appointment with the paediatrician (which we've been waiting for 7 months for... All part of his ASD assessment).
He came out smack bang in the middle of the average range with the speech assessment, which is fantastic (I am more than happy to have an 'average' child!).
The paed we saw was great - knowledgeable, thorough and helpful. It's her opinion that Beanie does have an ASD (and agrees that his staring episodes are probably a part of that) and she will send through the paperwork to the Tasmanian Autism Diagnostic Service for his formal assessment. She also sent Beanie off to give a urine sample and have blood taken to rule out any illnesses or genetic issues. Pathology had a bit of trouble getting the blood and had to wiggle the needle for a minute. Poor Beanie screamed and screamed. He says that it hurt more than when he got stitches in his face. But the blue teddy bear and chocolate frog they gave him afterwards helped a little.
Between appointments and extracurricular activities - making the most of the winter sun peeking through the clouds...
What beautiful colours... at any point on the spectrum |
Baby Bear
Beanie Bear
Loo Bear
Medical and Therapies
In the Beginning...
We're doing a little unit study on the beginnings of the universe, to lead in to a study on evolution. Planning on eventually ending up exploring various religions.
Science & Experiments
First Aid
The three bigger boys recently did a St. John's first aid course, organised by the homeschool group.

And then we did a trip over to Devonport and the boys and I visited the library while The OH ran some errands...

Baby Bear
Beanie Bear
Homeschool Group
Loo Bear
Shmoo Bear
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Open Heart Surgery Scarring
OHS scars @ 1 year post-op |
Baby Bear
Congenital Heart Defects
Medical and Therapies
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