Sunday, October 25, 2009


I have been using a curriculum guide to get an idea on what Shmoo should be learning and when. Of course, standards vary widely from state to state and country to country so I've just been using it as a general guide, not following it too strictly and we've been tailoring it to where Shmoo's at - giving him more advanced stuff to learn where he's obviously ahead and doing more work where he struggles. The problem is, this guide covers preschool, kinder and then grades 1-12. Not being a Tassie native I assumed that the kinder in the guide was the same as the kinder in the Tassie education system, and preschool was 'pre-kinder', ie the stage Shmoo is at now. Last night I finally managed to work out that in Tasmania kids do kinder, prep and then grades 1-12. So what I've been thinking of as 'kinder' would really be the guide for 'prep' LOL. According to the curriculum guide on where kids 'should' be at, Shmoo's now about a year ahead in 2/3 of the subject areas LOL. Oh well. The good thing about home schooling is that we are able to tailor our curriculum to suit the student!

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."