Aren't these 'Tot Trays' such a cool idea?! It has inspired me to set up something similar for Shmoo and Loo. I've rearranged the bookshelves to free up a couple of shelves that are just out of Beanie's reach but still accessible to the older boys. Now to work on filling them with activity trays! We can't afford to buy pretty, colourful trays at the moment so I've had to do some scrounging around the house (the plastic trays that sweet potatoes come in turned out to be the perfect size!).

Food-dyed rice.

I've got some of their puzzles on the higher shelf and the activity trays on the shelf below but I'm thinking I'll have to swap them around as Beanie will be able to reach the lower shelf once he starts cruising (certainly don't need him putting buttons or the like in his mouth - I don't want another ambulance trip to hospital!). There's room for a few more trays so I'm coming up with a few more ideas like cutting, pasting, playdough, colour & word matching/sorting games etc. There are heaps of different variations so I can switch things around every now and then.
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."