Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So Proud of My Boys

- I am so impressed with how Shmoo's and Loo's reading and comprehension skills are coming along. They absolutely love books (and so does Beanie, for that matter). Shmoo and Loo usually wake about 1-1.5 hours before the rest of us and we often find find them drawing or reading (still in their PJs and night nappy no matter how many times I tell them to get changed first LOL). But I'm so glad that they all have a love of reading, especially as boys aren't supposed to as good at or as interested in reading as girls. Yesterday we went to the library and Shmoo chose about a dozen books on astronomy, the ocean and inventions. Loo chose a few books about robots and cleared the entire junior non-fiction section of dinosaur books (of course!). They are in heaven with all the new reading material (plus the 15-odd fiction books that I chose for them to read).

- Loo has been able to write his name for a while and now he is attempting to write other words. He is so proud of himself when he shows us the words that he's written.

- Beanie always amazes me with how advanced he seems in a lot of areas compared with the other two at the same age. He is clumsy as anything but geez he's clever! I've done baby signing (Auslan) with all the boys and they've all picked up on the signs relatively quickly and easily. But Beanie's just awesome at it, he's even started putting 2 signs together. Like this morning in bed I was doing up my PJ top and he started tugging at it, obviously wanting booby. I wanted to get up so I did the signs for 'finished' and 'breastfeed'. Beanie then shook his head, put on a really cute expression and did the sign for 'please' and 'breastfeed'. Adorable!

1 comment :

  1. Eep, that is so cute! So amazing to think how well Auslan is for unlocking early communication!
    Your boys ARE amazing - and so are you :)


"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."