Today the boys learnt what an arborist is (if arboretum means 'tree park' then an arborist must be someone who is a tree specialist!).
We have a huge 30+ year old tree that is approaching the end of it's lifespan. Considering we live in a strong wind area and the tree is right next to (and leaning towards) our power line and house, it was time to get it cut down before it fell down. We also have some trees along our front fenceline that are above the powerlines and need trimming too. They got started on it this morning and the boys were absolutely fascinated (as were the OH and I!) and eagerly watched from the safety of Shmoo & Loo's bedroom window. Shmoo and Loo watched intently for a couple of hours and Beanie watched for about an hour (I'm impressed by anything that will hold a 20 month old's attention for that long!). Shmoo had fun working out how the cherry picker worked and why the man was wearing ear muffs and had a harness strapped around him.
They'll be back to finish off the job tomorrow, bringing spikes to get to the high branches that the cherry picker couldn't reach.
Can't wait to select a few stumpy pieces to make seats in the boys' play area outside and maybe a nice longer piece to make a swing (our neighbours will take the rest for their wood heater).

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."