We all carry with us cherished images of motherhood,
Perfect babies and smiling mothers.
Universal madonnas, mothers mild.
Our anathesized world of modern technology
And controlled emotion has promised safe, happy child birth.
And somehow we have come to believe,
But in those same antiseptic hospitals where healthy
Babies sleep row on row in sweet smelling flanelette
There is another side of motherhood
About which no one speaks.
The baby born with half a heart,
Or lungs not made for breathing.
The baby who comes too soon
Too small to live outside the womb.
And the baby delivered in silence
With no explanation for its stillbirth.
We have no portraits of these mothers in our minds.
Sorrow and heartbreak are not part of our
Mythology of Motherhood.
The young woman sitting with empty arms,
Eyes brimmed with tears is not our picture of a Mother.
Yet in her grief is the pieta's anguish
She is a mother too.
This also, is motherhood.
(Author unknown)
To all mothers. Wishing you love and peace on this Mother's Day.