Today Shmoo made afternoon tea for himself and his brothers. We read the recipe (from an old AWW cookbook that my sister gave to me for my 12th birthday), then we got all the ingredients and utensils out and Shmoo prepped the tray. We wanted to double the recipe and working out the new amounts was easy for Shmoo except for the doubling of 15 which we needed to work out on paper. Then he set about measuring, pouring, sifting, mixing and kneading...

When the scones were cooked Shmoo got the plates ready while I cut some scones in half, then he spread them all with a little Nuttelex and jam. He was so proud of himself. He needed very little assistance, mainly just with getting set up, keeping track of where he was up to, and handling the hot tray (and, of course, the clean up ;) ). I had to laugh though when he said that he really liked helping me cook things. I reminded him that he had done most it by himself, so I'd been the one helping him! :D
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."