We had our homeschool monitoring visit this afternoon so this morning Shmoo made a yummy gluten free, vegan coconut lemon slice to share for afternoon tea. He managed to do most of it by himself (just needing a little assistance with the stove and oven) and even helped with the cleaning up... by giving the bowl a good licking :)
The monitoring visit went really well . The THEAC rep was lovely, so supportive of natural learning and very encouraging and positive about what, and the way in which, Shmoo is learning. She didn't see any reason why the council wouldn't approve our 'programme' and said that we probably won't have another monitoring visit for 2 years.
It was so great to be able to talk to someone 'official' who is supportive of homeschooling. It gets a little discouraging when I have paeds, psych, therapists etc pushing to integrate him into the mainstream schooling system in some way. And you know what? It's never about the 'education', all they're concerned about is the 'socialisation'. Yep, I really want to drop my super sensitive, anxious, not-fully-toilet-trained 7 year old into an environment where there is rampant bullying and principals who turn a blind eye; overwhelmingly large classes that he'd get lost in; where he mixes with kids only the same age as him; where he has to get permission to speak, walk around or go to the toilet; where he can only eat or drink at designated times... 8-| Yeah, great socialisation.
Anyway, it's always good to get some whole-hearted support and encouragement. I am so grateful that we have such a good homeschooling system here in Tasmania.