Saturday, January 12, 2013

Birth Clips

The boys and I spent a good part of the afternoon YouTubing, watching homebirth videos. We started off with a bunch of great ones I'd previously bookmarked from Gloria Lemay's blog and then moved on to searching YouTube itself.

The boys loved watching all the babies being born (including the photo montage of their own births) and it's good to know that they won't be too concerned by the sights and sounds of a normal, natural labour. Shmoo and Loo had wanted to see Beanie being born but things happened so quickly we didn't get a chance to wake them up... Hopefully they'll get to see Baby Bear's birth!

Afterwards we got the doppler out and they each had a go at finding Baby Bear's heartbeat as well as their own.

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."