This morning she had her final trip to the vets. We had planned on doing it next Monday but she was deteriorating too quickly - vomitting, wheezing, gasping and lethargic - and we couldn't bear the thought of her suffering. We were all there when she was sedated at 9.20 am and said goodbye to her before the vet took her into the back room to euthanase her at 9.31 am.
We drove home listening to the playlist we'd created for her as I cuddled her on my lap. At home, the boys all had a cuddle and we lay her out on the floor so that we could all (including her kitty companion) say our final goodbyes. Then we wrapped her up in a white baby blanket with the goodbye notes that the boys had made, and, as Bright Eyes, the final song on her playlist played in the background, The OH took her out into the wild wind, rain and hail to bury her.
To help us in our grief, we then drew pictures of her as we wished for her to be... loved, happy, warm in the sunlight and chasing butterflies... because she was more than just a cat, more than just a pet. She was part of our family. And we loved her.