Everyone seems to have a different way of making water kefir. This is the way I've been doing it for nearly 2 years and it makes about 6L of plain water kefir. For a more detailed version, check out this post. Adjust quantities and ingredients to suit your preferences.

1.5L Fido jar of kefir grains straight out of the fridge after a week of resting and growing.
1.5L Fido jar of kefir grains straight out of the fridge after a week of resting and growing.
Discard lemon slices and strain off the liquid. Pour a little clean water over the grains to rinse. Drain and set aside.
In a 1L heatproof jug: 9 tbs white sugar, 2 tbs jaggery, 3 tsp maple syrup, 1.5 tsp bicarb soda.
Stir in enough hot water to dissolve the sugar.
Top up with cold water and stir. Set aside for a few minutes (this will allow any impurities from the jaggery to settle at the bottom).
2 x 3L Fido jars. Into each place 2 unpeeled lemon slices and about 1L of cold water (the cold water is just so the glass jar doesn't crack when the warm sugar solution is poured in).
Pour half the sugar solution into each jar. Discard any impurities left at the bottom of the heatproof jug. Check the temperature of the water in each jug to make sure it's cool. And more plain, cold water if necessary.
Add 6 heaped tablespoons of water kefir grains to each jar. Top up with water to the neck of the jar (leaving 2-3cm). Close lids. Leave in a warm (20-25 deg c) place, out of direct sunlight, for 18-24 hours or until fermented to taste.
Water Kefir Picture Tutorial - Part 2, Bottling
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."