A warm, sunny day... a perfect morning for drawing and writing on the concrete outside with chalk, cuddling kitties, making puddy muddles muddy puddles, mud pies topped with grass for the cats' lunch, watching Daddy mow the grass, sword (stick) fighting, nearly dying (or so it sounded like) from a slightly stick-grazed finger, unearthing nature's hidden treasures, and so much more.

Some days learning happens like this. Other days Shmoo wants to know how to add 3-digit numbers together, or to count the syllables in words, or he just wants to sit and read one (or a dozen) of the 40-odd library books that we've borrowed for the fortnight. And some days, like today, he just wants to sit at the activity table all afternoon and carefully draw all the vacuums out of a treasured Harvey Norman catalogue that came in the day's newspaper
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."