After nearly 7 years of much (ab)use, our beloved Dyson DC08T vacuum cleaner passed away peacefully last week.
3 kids + 2 cats + no vacuum = big mess. A new vacuum cleaner became our top priority. Thank goodness we were saving my tax return from last year. A decent vacuum isn't cheap and, with a Dyson obsessed 6.5 year old, we couldn't very well consider any other brand!
So Shmoo is currently in vacuum heaven. Not only did he inherit his very own Dyson to play with, but today we also got to go shopping for a brand new Dyson. We already knew which one we wanted (the DC39 Allergy) but Shmoo was very excited to have a look at the display and pick up some new catalogues. The sales assistant was also a bit of a Dyson enthusiast so Shmoo enjoyed asking her questions. She was quite taken with Shmoo and his passion for Dysons and at one point laughed and said "Look at him, he's like a little professor!". The OH and I just looked at each other and smiled. It's
very common for children with Asperger's Syndrome to be called '
little professors*'.
Can't wait to see how the new vacuum performs. It looks quite different to our old one. The technology has come a long way in 7 years!
Now off to investigate the
James Dyson Foundation.
*The link is to an article that is, in my opinion, the best description of an Aspie child. Definitely worth a read if you are interested in ASDs or if you have a little Aspie in your life that you would like to better understand.