Australia Day celebrations in our little town. The boys (well, mostly Loo) stuffed themselves silly on sausages. Loo must be having a growth spurt - it was "I'm hungry" all day. He was a bit disappointed that they didn't have a jumping castle this year but both he and Shmoo had fun joining in the other games (gumboot throwing, tug-of-war etc). We left when they did the egg throwing game though. I was a bit surprised that anyone would do a game that involved throwing raw eggs around when so many kids these days have allergies. We just couldn't risk Loo coming into contact with the raw egg white that inevitably ended up all over the grass and probably on a lot of the people who participated in the game (particularly as we no longer have the epipens). Poor kid. After all these years of dealing with his allergies he was quite understanding but I could see that he was awfully disappointed that he could no longer run around and play and it made him feel very different and isolated from the other kids there.
[We didn't deliberately try and make Loo and Beanie all matchy with their outfits by the way. I got Beanie dressed in the morning and Loo chose his own clothes. It just so happened that they both ended up wearing the exact same shade of pink. And the hats are the same because they're great hats with a wide brim all around plus a neck flap and we have several of them.]
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."