Ever since Shmoo Bear inherited the old Dyson he has totally immersed himself in investigating its parts. He even asked for a screwdriver so that he could pull it apart... except he soon discovered that not all screws are the same and a Phillips head won't work on Torx screws.
So while we were out today The OH bought Shmoo his very own foldout Torx screwdriver set. Within minutes of getting home Shmoo had completely taken apart the vacuum head. And, just as quickly, he reassembled it again. And took it apart again... The inner workings of a Dyson should keep him occupied for months :)
**Shmoo's fave item of clothing is a hoodie we bought for him from Simply Colours. It says 'Dyson engineer in training' on the back.
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."