Am so proud of my boys and the progress they have made in their swimming lessons, Shmoo in particular.
Shmoo's been in the pool since 10 months old and it's been a long, slow road to water confidence for him. We've been lucky enough to have had the same great instructor, Kerry, for the past 5 years and she's allowed him to go at his own pace but giving him the right amount of push when she knows that he has the skills. It wasn't so long ago that Shmoo would cling to Kerry in the pool, terrified to even glide a short distance to or from the steps or to put his head under the water. And now... now he can actually swim short distances without a board or flippers. He still gets very nervous when trying new things but with lots of gentle encouragement he eventually gets there.
And Loo... well, he's slowly progressing too. He really struggles to pay attention and thinks it's funny to ignore instructions but that's just Loo Bear all over. :-$ I still think he looks like a whale trying to synchronise swim :P but he is getting better.
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."