Monday, November 12, 2012

In The Bag

*Phew* I've just finished wrapping the kids' Christmas pressies that we've slowly been collecting in online sales over the last year, apart from a couple of things that are still on the way. Feels good to be getting things organised (plus I'm just excited about a lot of the pressies - I think I'm gonna have fun playing with them too ;) ). Next I just have to wrap the boys' birth and birthday presents and that should take care of the main gift-giving until next Christmas! Ahhh I love online shopping. Why battle the crowds at shopping centres when there are so many wonderful online stores (and Fishpond)?


Individual presents - they're each getting a Viewmaster set and a drawing kit (Lyra Groove coloured and graphite pencils, Stockmar block crayons, sharpener and eraser).

Family/shared/'school supply' presents - paint storage pots; 2 x wooden puzzles; solar powered rainbow maker; magnetic drawing boards; small wooden tabletop puppet theatre; set of jungle animal hand puppets; Giotto face paint pencils (we got sick of them using hard-to-remove felt pens to draw all over their faces, especially when a random squiggle on a forehead ends up looking remarkably like a swastika...). I have restrained myself and not included spare glue sticks and erasers in with their Christmas gifts. I'm sure my kids wouldn't mind in the slightest if I did include them but somehow they just don't seem quite exciting enough to me :)

Stocking fillers/Santa's contribution (he only gets credit for the small stuff ;) ) - they each get a little wooden magnifying glass; wooden animal clicker toy, wooden kaleidoscope/prism viewer thing; novelty pencil; handful of little chocolates.


Baby Bear's Birth -  4 x wooden puzzles with storage rack and a DVD (yet to decide which one!) for the big boys to share; lovely, snuggly, super-soft teddy bear for Baby Bear.

Beanie - wooden pirate puzzle; wooden magetic ice-cream stand; noisy animal book.

Loo - set of dinosaur hand puppets; dinosaur novel (The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth); set of nesting measuring cups.

Shmoo - wooden science toy kit; DIY vacuum science kit; rolling pin/biscuit cutter set.

Hmm, I may have gone a bit overboard with all the puzzles but they've all been really into working co-operatively to complete puzzles lately. It's so lovely to see them playing nicely and helping each other. Plus puzzles offer a much needed quiet and independent play option when there's a newborn to take care of...

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."