Monday, November 26, 2012

Officially Kefir-ing


 The OH went up to the shop to check the mail this afternoon (rural living = no home mail delivery!) and I was thrilled when he came back with two parcels for me. The small package contained my handy little stainless steel funnel with removable strainer, I do prefer stainless steel over plastic and this one is a perfect size. The absolutely huge box contained a couple of extremely well wrapped Fido jars and some swing top bottles. Actually, the three boys had crowded around for the parcel opening, jostling each other and me, and as I opened up the big box I told them there wasn't anything that they'd find particularly exciting inside, just some glass jars and bottles. Well, I unfolded the cardboard flaps and there were simultaneous squeals of delight from all three kids as they saw the mountain of bubble wrap. :)

After giving the funnel and one of the jars a good wash, I set about transferring over my booming colony of water kefir grains - I estimate that there's probably just under a cup of grains now... not bad for less than a week!. I used the same basic sugar water mix that I mentioned previously as the grains seem to be faring quite well in it (some of the grains manage to grow somewhere between 2.5-3 cm before breaking) but I tripled the quantity so that I ended up using 6 cups of water. I'm thinking that I might try occasionally adding a little blackstrap molasses to give the grains some variety...  maybe alternate between that and the maple syrup.

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."