Friday, December 14, 2012

The Joy of Giving

Shmoo's old enough now to know how fortunate we are; we don't have much but we have so much more than many other people. With Christmas fast approaching, we have been discussing how some people will go without; how some people won't get presents; how some parents might not have enough money to buy their children gifts for Christmas; how some people may be lonely/sad/hungry at a special time of year that should be about love/joy/family.

Whilst next year we will be reconsidering the organisation that we go through (we would prefer a non-religious group), this year we continued our tradition of giving to the Kmart/Salvation Army Wishing Tree Appeal. As usual we just give a couple of gift cards and don't specify age or gender on the tag so that it can be given to whoever needs it most. This year Shmoo contributed $5 of his own savings. He did it joyfully with absolutely no hesitation; glad to be able to do something, give something, that might make someone else happy. I am so proud of him. I can tell that he gets it.

One of our projects for next year will be for the kids to make some small crafty items throughout the year, I'm thinking maybe some mini Waldorf-style kite paper window stars. They are colourful, cheery, simple and cheap to make. With a little practice the older two should easily be able to make them themselves. And then next Christmas we can give them away. We'll see what organisations we come across throughout the year and were thinking there are also people in aged care homes or people who are in hospital over Christmas.

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."