Saturday, December 22, 2012


Poor Loo. We went to a little Christmas party yesterday and as soon as we got there the boys were offered a gumball. They were keen to try them as they've never had gumballs before (and unless we're aware of specific allergens, like raw egg, then we generally don't make them refuse these things if they're offered when we're out, we're just fairly selective when it comes to what we buy for the kids ourselves). So, each of the boys accepted a gumball.

Shmoo didn't like his and chose to discreetly spit the remains into a serviette (I must admit, I was quite pleased when he did!). Both Loo and Beanie happily consumed theirs. Unfortunately, within minutes Loo had rashed up around his mouth, over his chest, neck and behind his ears; and his behaviour quickly became aggressive. One gumball, that's all it took. No doubt those gumballs contained all manner of nasty colours, flavours and preservatives. As to what was different compared to the stuff he ate a few days ago - who knows. When they were offered more gumballs later in the evening I did say no thanks and luckily none of the boys minded at all.

The poor boy is still rashy and itchy today. And I'm trying not to let the mama-guilt get too out of control *sigh* :(

And I really do need to get a fresh bottle of Phenergan to carry around with us. It's been so long since we've needed it.

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."