Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Learning Happens

The two older boys have needed a little nudge as far as maths goes so we dug out some of the textbooks and they've been enjoying doing a few pages of 'homework' every now and then. Shmoo's getting his maths mojo back and spent a good bit of time this morning creating and solving sums.

Shmoo was then keen to discuss Drosera (sundew plants) and that led to the ecosystem and how everything is connected. We then noted how the lovely sunflowers friends gave us yesterday were turning to follow the morning sun and talked about why that was and what plants need to grow.

Somehow the discussion moved on to space and the planets, gravity, astronauts, and space exploration disasters.

He then had a look through our book on Australian insects and spiders and we discussed the difference between 'venomous' and 'poisonous'.

Afterwards he chose a library picture book about a friendly spider and asked to read it aloud to me.

For dinner we made our own little pizzas and the boys had fun shaping and topping their own creations. (Okay, we let the breadmaker make the dough. Between my carpal tunnel syndrome and The OH's ASD-related food issues, it's the easiest way!)

That's how learning happens here. :)

1 comment :

"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."