Monday, November 25, 2013

Absence Seizures?

So, today the possibility of Beanie having absence seizures, a form of epilepsy, was brought up by his early intervention teacher. I'd never heard of these before. He has these little episodes where he just goes blank / switches off / shuts down. It happens frequently but more often during or after a meltdown where he's been crying hysterically. As his EI teacher said, it could be related to his possible ASD (referrals and paperwork have been put through for his assessment) or it could be seizures. We are waiting for a paed appointment through the hospital so this will be another thing to investigate when that comes through.

Huh. And now I'm remembering when Beanie was a wee babe and, on occasion, would do an odd, brief, trembling thing when he was feeding. I wonder if it's related?

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."