Thursday, October 11, 2012

Books - The Red Beast and Autistic Planet

We had 2 books arrive in the mail today... The Red Beast: Controlling Anger in Children With Asperger's Syndrome by KI Al-ghani and Autistic Planet by Jennifer Elder.

We've borrowed The Red Beast out from the library on a couple of occasions before and it's been helpful for both Shmoo and Loo (and me... must get around to organising a safe area/sensory zone for meltdown recoveries!).

Autistic Planet is lovely as well. Beautiful illustrations. It doesn't so much explain what autism is but it's great for starting up discussions with the kids about the little quirks that those with an ASD often have.

Both books are 'school' based, particularly The Red Beast, but the it's easy enough to extrapolate to any social situation.


  1. Keep a look out for the sister book to The Red Beast: 'The Panicosaurus : Managing Anxiety in Children, including those with Asperger Syndrome' .
    Out in about 10 days.
    All the best,
    Kay Al-Ghani

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Kay. Will keep an eye out for the new book :)

  3. Any chance we could borrow Catherine, would be good for E and I to read also? :)

  4. Sure, will bring it along next Monday :)


"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."