Friday, October 5, 2012

Burnie Show - Animal Nursery (ECIS)

The children (and their families) who attend the Early Childhood Intervention Centre and the Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre were kindly offered the opportunity to visit the animal nursery of the local show, the day before the official opening.

The boys had such a great time (apart from Beanie clinging to me for the first 5 minutes and some skittishness from all 3 occasionally around the animals). I think The OH found it more overwhelming than the kids LOL ;)

It was funny though... they had a small, central, enclosed area that the kids could enter to pat some calves and lambs. The boys spent quite a while in there and then asked to come out. The woman at the gate opened it up but laughed and (very obviously jokingly) told them that they had to stay and were going to be kept in there now. Shmoo stopped dead in his tracks, confused. One of the ECIS teachers and I giggled as we reminded the woman that he would take her literally. I had to reassure Shmoo that she was just joking :)




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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."