[Just keeping track of what my little cutie did when...]
3.5 months: Open heart surgery.
5 months: Started solids.
6.5 months: Rolling front to back.
7 months: Rolling back to front; first tooth.
8 months: Second tooth.
9 months: Commando crawling; getting up on hands and knees; stays upright when placed in sitting position; suspected dairy/lactose intolerance; plays peek-a-boo; gives big, smoochy kisses.
10 months: Often copies waving and hello (says 'eh-oh' while waving); sits up unassisted; pulling himself up to kneeling and standing; climbing (crawling or pulling himself) up single steps (and falling off boxes!); shuffling forward a few paces on hands and knees; signs 'cat'; tries to say 'kitty' (says 'gi' and 'gi-ee'); attempts to clap.
10.5 months: Crawling properly; caught Roseola; tries to sign 'brother'; claps properly; puts a pre-loaded spoon into his own mouth.
11 months: Cruising
11.5 months: Taking a few independent steps.
12 months: Walking!
12.5 months: Tries to say 'more'; can climb on to the futon.
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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."