Thursday, December 5, 2013


It might not look like it but this is lucky. This is blessed.

The OH and Shmoo were in that car. I got a call from The OH just before 3pm this afternoon, saying that there'd been an accident, that the car was a write off.

They walked away from it with nothing more than bumps, bruises, cuts and grazes. Lucky.

This afternoon The OH was driving Shmoo to his karate lesson. It had been raining and hailing all day. They got 3-4 minutes away from home when, going around a curve, The OH hit a dirt patch at the edge of the road, over-compensated and the car rolled several times, coming to rest on its side - front and back smashed up and the front passenger side totally crumpled in. The OH had to get Shmoo to crawl through the car so that he could pull him out. People from other cars and a nearby property came to their aid, wrapping Shmoo in a blanket and looking after him while The OH was busy with the car and police.

I got there just after 3pm and was in shock when I saw how damaged the car was... how they managed to walk away from that I don't know. I scooped up a very shaken and teary Shmoo and carried him to my car, out of the rain and with the heater going, until the ambulance got there. The dear boy was so worried about how we would fix the car. I had to keep reassuring him that the car didn't matter at all, all that mattered was the he and The OH were okay.

Shmoo got the all clear from the paramedics but they forgot to check The OH so we ended up taking him to the A&E to make sure a couple of cuts didn't need stitches. Had a bit of a funny ASD moment when the doctor was trying to get Shmoo to talk about the accident. The doctor got down on Shmoo's level in front of him and poor Shmoo was desperately trying to look everywhere else to avoid the eye contact. The doctor asked him a bunch of questions about the accident, including if he had rolled. Shmoo looked puzzled and eventually replied "No, not me, the car did."

Thank goodness for car seats. Shmoo is 8.5 years old and we occasionally wonder when he will be old enough to sit in the car without the special kids booster thing that he currently uses. Well, he'll be using the booster until he no longer fits in it. His only injuries are a bump to the head, grazed face, grazed neck from the seatbelt, and a sore finger.

Tonight I am so thankful that my husband and son are okay. It could have so easily turned out differently. When I think of my eldest baby flipping over and over in the car like that... *shudder*


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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."