Saturday, December 7, 2013

Piecing it Together

We've been trying to piece together exactly what happened.

As best as we can figure out, going around a rather sharp, downhill curve, they hit a bit of a dirt patch at the edge of the left side of the road. The OH over-corrected and somehow they ended up crossing right over to the other side of the road and beyond, unfortunately hitting a culvert which caused the car to flip several times, coming to rest lying on the passenger side and facing the opposite direction to which they'd originally been travelling.

They were so, so lucky not to suffer serious injuries. Or worse. Particularly for Shmoo. The passenger side, where he was sitting in the rear, came out the worst. Both the front and rear passenger sides were fairly well battered in the flipping and the landing. Somehow, by some miracle, the spot where Shmoo was sitting held together comparatively well.

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"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."